In The Shallows - Tanya Byrne
In this captivating young adult novel, two girls set out to unravel a mystery tied to the sea―and fall in love along the way.
On New Year's Day, three fishermen haul a teenage girl out of the ocean. By the time they bring her to land, it’s clear that she doesn’t know where or who she is. Her story goes viral. The media calls her Nicoletta, after the fishermen’s boat. The rumors take a dark turn the next time the fishermen head out to sea―and fail to return. People say Nicoletta lured them to their deaths―their lives in exchange for hers.
And with that, the mystery becomes a legend.
Eighteen months later, Mara Malakar meets Nicoletta, or Nico, at a café. The two become fast friends, but as Mara realizes she wants more from their relationship, Nico remains oblivious, focused only on remembering. She may not want to, though. Could there be a reason she’s locked everything behind a door? And once she's brave enough to open it, what will happen to her? To them?
Tanya Byrne is an award-winning young adult author.
She was born in London where she spent forty years before moving to Brighton in 2017 with her dog, Frida. After eight years at BBC Radio, she left to write her debut novel, HEART-SHAPED BRUISE, which was published by Headline in May 2012 and earned her a nomination for New Writer of the Year at the National Book Awards.