The Sorcerer's Handbook: Real Magick at Your Fingertips - Peter J. Clark (Pre-Loved)
Harry who? This is the real thing!
Tap into the powerful, unseen forces of sorcery to find spiritual and physical fulfilment. Following in the footsteps of a master sorcerer, develop and use skills that others around you haven't even dreamed of. Become adept at tasks that seem humanly impossible while you learn the wisdom and knowledge of ancient magick users. Learn what sorcery really is, what it isn't, and how it all came about. See how different kinds of magick work, then choose the right one to get the job done.
Cast spells for yourself and others, and perform rituals for getting a good night's sleep, blessing a home, summoning prosperity, attracting love, getting rid of what you don't want - pain and anxiety included - and more, using the tools and techniques of witches and wizards. Find your full potential through sorcery!
Learn how to perform rituals and cast strong spells to affect the weather, find a soul mate, increase success, heal a headache, charm an animal, and more. Beginners will have no problem getting started, and those with more experience will find plenty of useful material and ideas.
First published in 2002 and now updated for the digital age, this book provides everything you need to know to develop the art of sorcery is included in this no nonsense, practical guide. Learn how to protect yourself and how to use your in-built psychic abilities!
Peter J Clark is a High Priest of the ancient Beneviche Order of Sorcery, who has been writing books for over 30 years about the things he believes in most passionately, with subjects ranging from paganism, witchcraft, sorcery and magick, through to other global religions, self help and self improvement, as well as animal care and training. He believes that care and compassion should come before self and status, and that all living things have equal rights... and rites!